Abstracts of TSM 2013 Technical Talks

The abstracts of the technical talks are sorted by topic/headline.

A deep dive into DB2

Bruno Friess

Ok, now we have a relational database inside of TSM and all advantages we desired in older versions: DB2. We can use it, we do not have to know something about it. Is this the truth?

In this session, I invite you to follow me into a deep dive into DB2. Where are the interfaces to TSM? What settings are relevant to TSM? How does the reorganization work? How can I optimize DB2 for reliability, for scalability, for perfomance? How can I understand the logs in times of trouble? HADR, never heard? Let's talk about it.

Archiving with TSM

Ron Henkhaus

Do you want to reduce the amount of data you repeatedly back up? Do you need to retain and manage data for regulatory compliance, internal governance or legal reasons? Do you want to reduce your TSM licensing costs? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you. We will cover: what is archiving vs. backup; reasons why you might want to use archiving, like reducing your backup stream and achieving regulatory compliance; how to take advantage of archiving; and how the new TSM Archive Option could help reduce your TSM licensing costs..

Backup in economic/technologic crossfire

Reinhard Mersch

In times when long down times due to restores in general can not be tolerated and valuable data is replicated anyway, the role of backup changes. The University of Münster currently faces discussions about backup's future role. This talk summarizes some aspects of these discussions.

Best Practices and Recommendations for Administering TSM

Colin Dawson

This session will discuss the primary tools that TSM provides for management and administration. The primary emphasis will be the Operations Center, Tivoli Common Reporting, and the SQL interface. The various tools will be discussed with emphasis on current capabilities, what administrators find useful, and other recommendations on how to monitor and administer TSM effectively.

Big Data: Data Protection for SAP HANA with IBM TSM for ERP

Cyrus Niltchian

The protection of large database, built on in-memory technology, presents new challenges in regards to their protection. These types of databases are typically large, run in-memory and use Solid State Storage. Efficient access to data in memory and its backup throughput are of outmost importance when implementing a solution for data protection. This session will briefly describe the architecture of SAP's approach for such a database, SAP HANA, and then focus on IBM's design to provide comprehensive data protection. To address these requirements, IBM leverages proven technology based on IBM TSM for ERP, such as parallel sessions, file multiplexing and multiple servers over LAN or SAN connections.

Configuration Management in Large TSM Systems

Alexander Dunaevskiy

This talk is dedicated to the possibilities of configuration management (cm) for large heterogeneous TSM systems like that at Leibniz Supercomputer Centre. The focus of this talk will be a comparison of different cm methods of TSM and an overview of the strengths and the weaknesses of each of them. Tips for using the TSM Configuration Manager commands as well as for overcoming weaknesses of the various methods are presented. This talk should be understood more as a presentation of useful ideas than a collection of recipes. This talk is targeted at TSM beginners as well as TSM experts that wishes refresh their knowhow.

Data Big or Small, TSM (re)covers it all.

Simon Bes

Every person understands and accepts that data volume is growing. Lots of companies focus therefore on the huge ammounts of data. However when you look around in Europe, the gulf region, India or South Africa, many 'small' data centers need data protection too. The session wants to make clear that data protection and recovery is provided for every size company or IT centre based on the same unified technolgy. In 30 minutes i'll guide you through all Tivoli Storage Manager based solutions and show you how to keep that under control.

Data Protection in Virtual Server Environments - A Deep Dive into TSM for Virtual Environments

Jim Smith

This session is a follow-on to "Data Protection in Virtual Server Environments Using Tivoli Storage Manager and FlashCopy Manager" and will provide a deep dive into Data Protection for VMware. Discussion topics include: incremental forever backup, individual file recovery, and considerations for scheduling, policy, tape, deduplication, security, reporting and monitoring.

Data Protection in Virtual Server Environments Using Tivoli Storage Manager and FlashCopy Manager

Jim Smith

Virtual machines have different characteristics than physical machines that must be considered when planning backup and recovery. Given these differences, there are a number of methodologies that can be employed to meet recovery time and recovery point objectives. This session will explore options available for virtual server backup and recovery based on the virtual machine’s workload using Tivoli Storage Manager products featuring Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments (Data Protection for VMware) and FlashCopy Manager for VMware.

Enhanced Data Protection for Highly Available Applications and Databases

Chris Zaremba

As key enterprise applications evolve to provide greater availability and scalability via replication and cluster technologies, so too must the data protection solutions evolve to provide intelligent data protection for those applications. This session will describe recent enhancements in TSM Data Protection agents that provide efficient and reliable protection for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups (DAGs) and Microsoft SQL Always on Availability Groups (AAGs).

Exploiting Backup and Recovery Technologies for Large File Systems

Jim Smith

This session will address specific scenarios in which these methods should be considered for protecting large file systems. This will include discussion of Tivoli Storage Manager’s snapshot-assisted backup for NetApp filers and GPFS, and use of FlashCopy Manager to protect file system data. These methods could also be considered for use with "big data" solutions based on the underlying file systems.

Extending backup options with Tivoli FlashCopy Manager for UNIX and Linux

Wilhelm Gardt

Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for UNIX and Linux – a member of the TSM family products - supports fast backup and restore as well as cloning of IBM DB2 and Oracle databases - in SAP and non-SAP environments. FlashCopy Manager leverages the FlashCopy and Snapshot technologies of IBM storage systems and can integrate with TSM – thus increasing backup flexibility and frequency. Participants will learn about FlashCopy Manager basics (for example:  FlashCopy types, database backup and restore basics, data protections levels), architecture, implementation and business values. 

FlashCopy Manager for VMware: Deep Dive and Best Practices

Chris Zaremba

Fast and efficient protection of VMware environments is a key concern for many backup administrators. This session will explain how FlashCopy Manager (FCM) for VMware exploits storage snapshots to protect VMware environments while integrating with VMware software snapshots to provide a variety of backup and granular recovery options. The speaker will discuss benefits of using FCM for VMware together with TSM for Virtual Environments and provide guidance on an effective architecture when deploying the two products together.

GSE Storage Working Group

Gerd Becker

The GSE Working group Storagemanagement is comprised by two parts, traditional IBM Mainframe storage management with z/OS and storage management in an open systems environment. In the open part we always discuss experiences, problems and solutions all around IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, but storage highlights from all vendors are also discussed, The working group is integrated into the Guide Share Europe framework. The user group meetings will be hold twice a year, mostly three days. During the TSM Symposium we will hold our experience exchange during the BOF on Thursday. All attendees of the symposium are invited to share their experience with us.

Health analysis in an environment of tape - and tape-automation

Michael Klatt

The demand to store more and more data is evident. Many aspects like resource constraints, legal requirements, massive data growth of structured and unstructured data and others forces the IT to give storage efficiency a high priority. Year after year economics of tiered storage pushes the part of tape higher.

Based on this the health of tape - and tape-automation environment needs attention. Intelligent tools are necessary and available to support administrators to be able to predict and act proactive rather than react. How can data be collected? Which data can collected? What is the optimal overview? What is the best strategy? And more question will be observed.

High-availability approach for Data receipt

Thomas Eifert, Arnold Malcherek, Daniel Stanek

Several applications and scenarios at RWTH depend on the ability to deposit data at fixed intervals. Where classic backup focuses on data persistency we present an approach to increase the availabilty of the backup receiver.

IBM Tape and ProcTier Update and Technical News in Combination with TSM

Josef Weingand

I give you an update on IBM Tape, VTL and DeDuplication Products. Also I will cover technical news and the implementation and usage considerations for TSM, such as:

  • IBM Tape Device Driver Hints&Tips
  • IBM TS1140 and LTO6 implementation with TSM
  • IBM TS3500 / 3584 Tape Library
  • Tape Monitoring with TSR and RVA
  • IBM ProtecTier Data DeDuplication

IBM Tape Technology and Tape Usage with TSM

Josef Weingand

Why is tape not dead? 35 TB on Tape Cartridge is already demonstrated and a 125 TB demonstration is under progress.

I give you an overview of the current tape technology and the huge development potentials for the tape future. Also I discuss the advantage of tape and compare facts, specs and cost with disk. However tape has also some disadvantages, therefore I show you how to use Tape with TSM in order to get most benefits of it.

Finally I give you some facts why you should still use tape in our TSM environment. 

Overview and Update on HSM and TSM-GPFS Integration

Dominic Mueller-Wicke

This session will provide a functional overview regarding the TSM HSM clients on both UNIX and Windows. The UNIX part will focus on TSM-GPFS integration and describe the recent enhancements implemented for this platform. In addition to the standard HSM functionality on GPFS platforms, the new disaster recovery approach SOBAR will be described. Furthermore, a comparison between TSM progressive incremental backup and GPFS mmbackup will be provided.

Preview of Future TSM Enhancements

Dave Cannon

This session will provide a detailed preview of selected future enhancements in the next TSM release and beyond. We will discuss potential future direction in areas such as data protection for virtual machines, disaster recovery, data lifecycle management, global data management, and administration.

Scalability Considerations for TSM Deduplication and Node Replication

Jason Basler

This session will explore IBM's test methods and results related to the performance and scalability of deduplication and node replication, as well as best practices around designing scalable TSM solutions based on our test experience. Attendees will gain an understanding of the scalability factors which need to be considered when designing TSM solutions, and an overview of sample architectures and observed performance measurements from those architectures. The topics to be explored will include the benefits of using solid-state storage for the TSM database, recommended sequencing of TSM maintenance tasks for different architectures, and other best practices that lead to optimizing the throughput of TSM deduplicated ingest and replication.

Smart Storage 2013 from Block to Files and Objects

Peter Schenke

This session will appeal to Sales Specialists, Consultants, Systems Architects and Technologists, and those that are seeking a fundamental understanding of the emerging object-based storage technologies. The audience will gain insight into the basic differences of block-, file- and object-based data access methods and related products. The session will delve into the benefits of file and object storage and it's value. An outline how this technology might impact future directions of storage systems architectures will be given.

Smarter DataProtection - Which Backup Target should be used

Josef Weingand

The Backup target has moved in the past couple of years from tape backup to more and more disk backup. However just a few using a disk only environment. Most are using a combination of disk and tape. In this session I show how to architecture a tailor-made solution with a combination of disk, DataDeDuplicatoin and Tape. I discuss how to select the right backup target based on data classes, backup and restore performance (SLAs). But also I give some example how to combine different storage tiers in order to get best of breed. I discuss the pros and cons of different storage tiers and how to combine all of them in a Smarter and tailor-made Backup Solution.

Tape configuration for TSM

Bruno Friess

This presentation will give hands on experience for IBM and non-IBM attachment to TSM on AIX and Linux. Included are tipps for a successful tape attachment with Atape, persistent naming, udev rules and performance issues. For a analysis of tape problems it is necessary to know where to look and how to read the log information (operating system logs and tape driver logs).

Technologies for Protecting the TSM Server Environment

Matt Anglin and Colin Dawson

This session will examine methods to ensure availability of the TSM server environment. It will explore techniques for making the TSM server highly available, including clustering on AIX and Linux, and DB2's HADR function. It will compare and contrast database backup methodologies, including traditional database backup and snapshot backup using FlashCopy Manager. Finally, we will explore the protection of storage pool data, including replication and storage pool backup.

Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager experiences

Jürgen Arnold

Snapshot based backup strategies doubtless will become more important during the next years. IBM`s answer to this challence is named Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager as part of the Tivoli Software suite. It offers a deep integration to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager and interfaces to a couple of applications. As hardware snapshot provider IBM Disk Systems and NetApp is supported. The presentation will give an architectural overview over the Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager and basic snapshot techniques. Furthermore the experience with a couple of installations is presented including some unexpected restrictions and problems.

Transforming Data Protection Operations using Butterfly

Greg Tevis

TSM solutions and strategy are focused on transforming data protection operations to new levels of data availability, operational efficiencies, and customer service levels. IBM's recent Butterfly acquisition fits perfectly into IBM's Smater Storage Software strategy. Butterfly offers powerful analysis of data protection operations and a business case justifying the benefits of TSM vs any other backup solutions in the industry. In addition, Butterfly also provides data migration services tobackuo data into TSM. Customers and especially Business Partners will be interested in this session which desribes how to leverage Butterfly to transform data protection operations.

TSM and the Cloud

Greg Van Hise

TSM is an ideal data protection solution upon which to build and deliver optimized cloud services. This session will discuss cloud use cases and give examples using current TSM capabilities and environments. Input will be requested on potential future enhancements / priorities. In addition, there will be a specific discussion related to OpenStack:

  • Protect data hosted in OpenStack environment
  • Use OpenStack Swift as repository for TSM data

TSM Database Reorg Revisited

Norbert Pott

If your Tivoli Storage Manager server database is not well reorganized, unexpected database growth and reduced server performance can occur over time. This session talks about database reorg details, reorg scheduling and how to verify your database is in good health.

TSM Deduplication Deep Dive and Best Practices

Matt Anglin

This session will explore the deduplication feature of TSM. It will examine the planning requirements of deduplication in terms of sizing the database and storage pools. We will also explore the best practices for implementing deduplication.

TSM for VE 6.4 Scheduling and Monitoring Example

Christian Moser

New scheduling possibilities compared to version 6.3 best practise, Exploitation of

  • incremental forever strategy
  • controlling volumes to be included in backup
  • parallel processing and wildcard-usage for VM backups
  • Checking success of scheduled backups

TSM for Virtual Environments - Data Protection for VMware: Solution Design

Daniel Wolfe

This session will discuss the process of designing a VMware backup solution based on TSM for Virtual Environments. Topics discussed will include the strategy of transitioning from legacy, in-guest backup; Data Protection for VMware proxy sizing and placement; restore/recovery strategies; and integration with the vSphere environment.

TSM Node Replication Deep Dive and Best Practices

Matt Anglin

This session will provide a detailed look at the node replication feature of TSM. It will provide an overview of configuring replication, and explore various models in which replication may be deployed. Best practices and performance optimization will also be discussed.

TSM Portfolio Update

Xin Wang

Join us to hear how you can better protect one of your most critical business assets -- your data. The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) family of products focuses on protecting your data and recovering it quickly and efficiently. This session will help you better understand storage management for enterprise-wide protection of data for applications, databases, file servers, workstations and systems. The discussion will include an overview of enhancements that have been delivered over the last year and so far in 2013. It will highlight TSM backup solutions (TSM and FlashCopy Manager) through explanations of unified recovery, focusing on applications and business challenges. Attendees will gain insights into the IBM solutions available for protection and recovery of your business applications, and get a look at the interfaces that IBM leverages for management, protection, and reporting.

TSM Server and Database Best Practices

Colin Dawson

This session will examine the TSM server and database (including archive log and active log). We will explore topics on setup, space allocation, and best practice recommendations on how to keep the server healthy. The speaker will also discuss common issues or problems seen by customers and provide recommendations from the development team on these items.

TSM Storagepool based on OneFS-Scale-Out-Storage

Stefan Radtke

Scale-Out-Storage enables TSM to handle truly Big Data. Crucial functions like server and client deduplication and massive parallel access across a virtually unlimited number of clients and servers can be provided with minimum efforts for planning, installation and maintenance. Scalability starts at a few Terabyte and seamlessly reaches up to 15 Petabyte capacity and an unrivaled 138 Terabyte/hour throughput in a single, shared file system - literally by the push of a button.  This enables concepts like “TSM as a Service” while drastically reducing overall cost (OPEX/CAPEX) even in conventional TSM environments.
This presentation provides an overview of the Isilon OneFS-Scale-Out-Storage solution in a distributed storage management context.

TSM Portfolio Roadmap and Directions

Xin Wang

This session will provide an overview of IBM's strategic direction for backup and recovery solutions in the next few years, and a high-level summary of planned or candidate enhancements in the Tivoli Storage Manager and IBM FlashCopy Manager product family for the near future. The focus will be on how these new enhancements will solve application and business challenges by making the product more consumable, intelligent and open. Attendees will learn about the TSM roadmap on user experience, virtualization support, scalability and snapshot management.

User experience with SOBAR

Lothar Wollschläger

SOBAR (Scale Out Backup And Restore) is a specialized mechanism for disaster recovery of GPFS file systems that are managed by Tivoli Storage Manager Hierarchical Storage Management.
This mechanism is used to protect our petabyte home filesystems and to guarantee a fast recovery after a file system lost.
The talk describes the mechanism and how this mechanism is implemented at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). I will show how long it takes to backup a file system and how long it takes to recover it. I will also describe the configuration of this system to reach the maximal performance and to guarantee the fast access for the users to there datasets after the file system recovery. As a last point I will describe our requirements to make a more universal usage of this mechanism.

What's New in Snapshot-based Data Protection

Chris Zaremba

Exploitation of storage snapshot technology is a key element of the toolkit needed to address protection of ever growing data volumes within very stringent recovery time objectives. This session will describe recent enhancements in Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager (FCM) on Unix and Windows platforms that expand applicability of storage snapshots in data protection strategies. Topics will include more flexible access to snapshots created and managed by FCM as well as integration with storage remote mirroring functions to allow snapshot restore speeds to be exploited in disaster recovery scenarios where the primary storage device is lost.

©  GSE TSM Symposium 2013
Technische(r) Ansprechpartner(in):
Claus Kalle
Peter Groth
Thomas Eifert
geändert: 30. August 2013
erstellt: 29. Mai 2012